Acheiving Flow

Being in  the Flow state or, in the Zone or, a Runner's high.  It's all about the electro-chemical cocktail served up by your own body.  An optimal experience of exhilleration.  Described and popularized by psychologist Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.                                  

This feeling is brought on by a combination of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Anandamide, Serotonin and endorphins.  Best explained by Steven Kotler in his books The Rise of Superman and The Art of Impossible.


Once you have your Strength training is  on Automatic, its time to raise the bar.

You must choose something to Master.

It's required to add  an important ingrediant to the Flow Cocktail.


Strengnth Training and the 80-20 Principle

Strentghth training is not what it apears to be on the surface.  In fact, its the lazy Man's way to a healthy and sexy lifestyle.

Lifting weights, compound movements in particular, will stimulate muscle and strength growth in less time than any other exercise or movement. Prove me wrong. Spend 20 % of your time to build 80% of your body.

You know this but, how do you make it automatic.  You first have to understand that every successful Team or Athlete have one thing in common, their training/practice is automatic.  This means they dont think about it, its just done.  Thinking about it can only sabotage the regimine. 

Crerate a Cue

For myself, the Cue has always been workout gear.  When I see my workout outfits , they get me excited about working out.  Simple as that and , whats better is , I dont have to search for clothes when Im trying to head to the gym. Further, my car keys and AISICs are in the eaxct place I assigend to them.  I dont self sabotage.